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Show me the money!!!

"A woman will always be dependent until she holds a purse of her own."

-Elizabeth Clay Stanton (1815-1902)


Here it is...Earn more than you spend!!  It is that easy.  The hard part is learning to live within your means.  I don't care how much rhetoric you hear, if you just remember those 5 words, you will be way ahead of most people.  Think of it this way... who has more wealth - someone who earns $40,000 a year and spends $20,000 or someone who earns $300,000 a year and spends $300,000 a year.  It is not about how much you earn, it is about how much you spend.



 Both of these sites are great informational sites to get you deep into the realms of finance.  Take small bites.  Learn before you buy.  Remember knowledge is the key.  You will most definitely be taken advantage of if you are not informed.  Inform yourself.  Do not rely on the person doing the selling to inform you.  That is not their job.  It is all in a name, a seller sells.  Buying a house - get the knowledge then make the purchase.  Insurance - get the knowledge then make the purchase.  Investing your savings - get the knowledge then invest your money.  It is the same with everything.  Ask questions, question the answers.  Use references you trust - your family, friends, books, or the internet.  Never put your trust or your money in anyone that has a vested interest in what you are about to buy.  I will never be taken advantage of because I think.



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